
I Have A Eyebrow Wax Machine At Home And It Spilled Over On My Carpet. How Do I Get The Eyebrow Wax Off My Carpet Without Replacing The Carpet?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just had to get wax out of my carpet today. I used the trick with the iron. Dampen a towel, and place it over the spot with the wax. Then take a hot iron and run it back and fourth over the area. The towel soaks up the wax. I had to move the towel to a different spot so that the wax didn't get onto the iron. And make sure you don't leave the iron on the spot, you may burn a hole in the towel.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My wife just helped me out getting this kind of wax of a football jersey... Amazingly toothpaste works great to remove completely and the stain. All you do is add toothpaste and rub it together roughly and it will start to clump and fall off. "golden boy" is back baby!!!!
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toby walkley
toby walkley commented
You may have posted this six years ago, but boy did it help me right now. Just spilled wax on the new football shirt my girlfriend gave me last night!!!!!! And the toothpaste worked! Thank you kind sir!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Simply put paper towel over the accident and then use a blow dryer to melt the wax.
Once the wax is melted lift the paper towel and it all should come up. If it doesnt repeat that step
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stanley Steamer does it for cheap and I did the same thing well actually my dog did she thought it was a treat so she smacked it off the table! I think it was $50 just to get it off if thats all you want but I spent $150 because I get my house done every week by them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had candle wax years ago on my carpet; my mother’s remedy was to put ice cubes on it and get it really cold, then take a towel lay over it. Now take something to bang on it. This should make smaller pieces to pick away. After you have cleaned away the most of the pieces lay a towel back on top and take an iron turned on low, place on towel and keep checking to see if wax is melting slowly onto the towel. The part I don't remember is if the towel is supposed to be wet or dry. You do this slowly. I worked at mine for three nights in a row. Now you may notice an oily residue from the wax and you should clean will a carpet spot cleaner. Good luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have also run into the same problem I was vacuuming and the cord got stuck on my vacuum, down went the machine and a whole can of wax. I live in a rented apartment any suggestions would be awesome, to anyone out there that knows anything.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When it spill do not touch it, and after it cools put some ice on it until it gets very cold and you can remove it in pieces.

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