Where Can I Find Stencils Of Words Like Love, Laugh, Believe, Joy, Happiness & Family To Stencil On My Walls?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ready made stencils of all sizes and font types can usually be found at office stores such as Office Depot or Staples. Most large towns and cities have one of these stores or a similar one. Prices tend to be average and reasonable because the product is often re-usable.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
You can make them yourself, go to the print shop and get some thick card paper, use a pencil to make the words, then cut out with a sharp knife, or a box cutter.
Be careful to put plenty of newspaper under the card paper to prevent cutting the surface under it. Hope this helps, good luck.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
You can also use vinyl lettering as a ready made less messy and much easier alternative to stencils.

They have all of those sayings and more.



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