Does Baby Oil Remove A Cats Matted Fur?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Baby oil is scented mineral oil, which when ingested, clogs in the intestines. Since your cat is sure to lick her coat, I would recommend that you definitely not use baby oil on her. It is also going to rub all over your furniture and floor, and attract more dust to her, not clean her.

My recommendation is that you either take the cat to a professional groomer who will brush out, and cut out the mattes safely, or shave the cat if that's what's needed. Second option is that you do this yourself, but I would recommend that you only do the brushing part, as the cutting/shaving should be left to professionals.

After your cat is back from the groomers, or once you are done with her, make sure you groom her every day, or every other day, and make sure this does not happen again. Also, a cat that has lost interest in grooming itself is possibly ill. Watch out for any other signs.

Kimberly Profile
Kimberly answered
That will make a big mess...don't do it. You can buy conditioning spray at the pet store that will help to untangle the cat's coat. If the matting is extremely bad, try carefully cutting off some of the matt that's not near the skin. This will make it easier for you to comb out the remaining matting. Especially if you use the spray. If you use the first couple of teeth of the comb as a pick, this can help you to pull the matt apart and make it easier to comb out. If the cat is covered in tight matts, you might want to shave it, or get it shaved by a groomer or vet. Good luck!

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