More than that I get concerned about what will happen when these things we are used to aren't available. Do you remember a few years ago when the entire Eastern US, all the way to mi & ohio, was in a blackout for a few days? It was awful and " the reason" was 2 grid lines crossed paths and then it was because someone flipped or didn't flip a switch - BALONEY. If they won't tell us the truth why should they expect us to believe them?
Do you assume that we will always be able to get fuel at our gas stations and our grocery stores will always be well stocked, that when you flip the switch, the lights will always come on, or when we turn the faucet on, water will always be there?
No because the world's energy reserves is slowly depleting as the gap between supply and demand closes, with demand outstripping supply since the early 70s.Production has peaked, the price of oil stands at an unprecedented $114 per barrel and like a full glass of wine, the quicker you drink it,the quicker it's gone.Factor in a world population boom, particularly in Asia and world famine, where again demand exceeds supply and we're heading for a global recession.No oil, no food production and no utilities as the free trade market simply will not exist.Money will not be the bargaining tool in this scenario, hence commerce and business will be a thing of the past.Society as such will revert to an agricultural-based way of life.
Think yourselves lucky here in the UK we have to rely on Russia supplying us with 20% of our gas needs!