
In A Perfect World How Would The Ecosystem Sustain Itself?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Everything we use needs, by preference, to be used at a rate that nature can replenish in short-term natural cycles.    Everything we use that nature can't replenish in a short-term cycle, needs to be reclaimed and recycled by human-driven processes. Examples of these are mineral resources. We need to reclaim and recycle metals like Aluminium, Copper.    Similarly, everything we make or waste needs to be able to be broken down by nature in short-term natural cycles, or else we need to help nature to do it.    If in all things we can copy and harness the natural systems that have driven the world's ecosystems for millions of years - we will do okay. But this does raise the questions: Should we be living simpler, less resource-greedy lives? Are there just too many of us on the planet?    Example: Plants recycle carbon dioxide, taking the carbon to build sugars and plant oils, and recharging the atmosphere with the leftover oxygen. If we burn too many fossil fuels, and put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and there aren't enough plants to keep up with it, the carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere and we get Global Warming.    The short answer is: A perfectly balanced Ecosystem requires deaths to equal births, growth to balance decay, and inputs to balance outputs. That points back at Killbyte's answer: Capitalism is a system that thrives in a state of continued growth. So this raises a third question: Can we continue to be Capitalists and have a healthy, balanced Global Ecosystem? Too hard for me!!
Glen Thornbury Profile
Glen Thornbury answered
We all have to all work TOGETHER! For the person who can solve this is in YOUR MIRROR!
Mother Nature HAD it all balanced, and WE MESSED it up!!!! For Millions of years SHE balanced everything, and will again! If we corrected what we did wrong!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ecosystem is in balance in perfect world, which means the predator keep the prey creatures in check without completely vanishing them. As far as plantlife is concerned, they remain varied without one type predominating and crowding out the rest.
R Maye Profile
R Maye answered
Humans have runined an will continue to ruin the ecosystem. In a perfect world, however, we wouldn't need to do anything to sustain it. It would be perfect and remain that way!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The ecosystem can only sustain itself if left alone. The world works perfectly as is because of the way it evolved and is only ruined by the presence of human beings living in a capitalist society.
American indians living in harmony with nature did not make a negative impact upon the ecosystem as long as their numbers did not outstrip nature's ability to provide.
julius velicaria Profile
None because it's perfect already

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