
Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?


12 Answers

vickie rowe Profile
vickie rowe answered
Try changing the filter!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hm, so perhaps it's not just my imagination or intolerance that's thinking my new furnace is blowing more cold air than heat. I know it wasn't air conditioning I paid for!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank you for your advice.

The thermostat works.  I can hear the furnance kick on - but then it kicks on too fast.  If that makes sense.  Normally, I will hear it, I guess heating the air, then it will begin blowing warm air.  Now, as soon as I turn the termostat on, the furnace begins right away-blowing cold air!!  Of course, it is the coldest day and night - I think ever in the Raleigh NC area!!  

I have a gas fireplace that is working - thankfully.  So, gas is coming into the house. The thermostat and the furnance seem to be working.  But it is getting later - and the sun is going down.  The good news is I guess - at least this weekend it is supposed to be in the 70's!!!!   Crazy ....
Lisa Marie Halsey Muniz Profile
If you just turn it on it will do this till it warms up and it is on for a while.  Some do and some do not.  If it persists try changing your filter and then maybe fuses, and see if your thermostat takes batteries and change them if they do.  You can check the wiring and other things for burnt wires.  If you can't figure it out ask a neighbor or a friend or hire someone to come out.  Be careful.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You may have a broken heater coil or if you have been running your heat a lot here lately, it could have frozen your condenser and evaporater. Turn it off, run the ac  for 30 min and then try it.if that does not work, call a professional.
Lou pizzy Profile
Lou pizzy answered
My gas furnace had this problem recently. IT started like an intermittent problem until 3 weeks  and then completely cold air no matter what I do. I called the professionals and they came out/ tested and it was the heater caused me $600.00 bucks including labour and parts. I hope your furnace will be cheaper.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gas furnace downstairs is blowing cold air, upstairs furnace working fine.  Blower is working.  Thermostat is working.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There could be a couple concens, first one is, the fan may have got switched to run/on. Second one could be you have an issue with the pilot light, that keeps the flame available for the furnace to use when the furnace is called on to produce heat.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Just call the professional instead of trying to do this yourself if you don't know anything about this. You really don't want to have a gas leak, and light that thing. For your health and safety, call the professional. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
cody dorrell Profile
cody dorrell answered
Always have your system serviced by a lic professional once every year or two ..try to use the same person and you both get to no your unit ..heaters have a delay on heat that allows the duct to heat a lil before fan runs ...there are many different mechanisms that control this task ....remember a problem always has a cause !...look 4 the simple causes dirty ..ask your tech to ck and clean the a coil ...down stream from the burner .if blocked by dirt can cause strange fan operation ...good luck ..

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