IF there were to be a "zombie apocalypse" type catastrophe ... which power station type would last longest? Taking into account fuel, maintenance, and manpower needs. EG: Coal plants would go dark first, due to lack of fuel and manpower.


2 Answers

Brian unidentified Profile

I would think that a solar power grid would last the longest. It has a unlimited power source and a lot of solar energy systems can even be automated and not require manpower. Maintenance would be minimal assuming only a few panels would be likely break, and the other panels would still run independently.

1 Person thanked the writer.
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
That's what I was thinking, as well.
Other than MAYBE the secret nuclear reactors at secret government facilities.
Brian unidentified
I was thinking maybe nuclear power, but at the same time i know there is some sort of maintenance that needs to be done to prevent the reactor from overheating and eventually failing, maybe even devastating the surrounding area when it finally does fail. Another source that may last nearly as long as solar power could maybe be a geo-thermal power source as well. Good question tho!
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
I'm just playing with the scenario in my head, wondering where survivors could gather that they could get power. I'm going with the government shutting down all nuclear plants to prevent meltdowns. But was trying to come up with the best place for survivors to go. I'm thinking the Columbia Gorge ... hydro, and wind power, as well as solar.

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