
What Are The Effects Of Detergents On Plant Growth?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Plants grow by using water and the sun to make food. I was trying to find out if different types of detergents will affect the growth of a plant. This experiment, gave me the answer I was looking for. Roots' main job is to absorb water and nutrients. Detergents will get rid of a layer protecting the root hairs, and the root hairs will absorb the detergent instead. Because the plant will no longer have any water or nutrients, it will die. Then the plant will become decomposed because the detergent is a chemical to the plant. Laundry detergent contains powerful surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate. These detergents characteristically aggregate lipids and denature proteins. When a plant absorbs detergents, the detergents can cause cell membranes to collapse and membranes to function improperly. This can cause part or all of a plant to die.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes it will affect the growth of a plant because the detergents is to strong for a plant to survive and detergents are chemicals and we all know that chemicals can kill a plant. In my science fir project I put tide detergent in one plants and gain detergent in another one the tide one was the one that died the first in 1 day and the gain was very very slow  so I  think that yes detergents will affect the growth of a plant.I'm 10 I'm very smart!
Charlotte Boucher Profile
Yes, colorox will stung the genetics in a onion plant and cause all kinds of mutations if strong enough.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The detergents kill plants.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes it will effect plant growth .

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