My daughter grew one successfully in a pot. It seemed to cope well with neglect, luckily for her, as she frequently forgot to water it, and then over-watered it like mad to try to compensate.
The biggest mistake she made was not to turn it regularly (once she potted it up into a larger pot … Read more
That depends, really. Sometimes, at certain points in your menstrual cycle, your breasts will feel more sensitive than usual. This can make it painful when they're touched, and is the most likely explanation for your discomfort.
What Else Can Cause Nipple Pain?
Nipple pain can be caused by a number of things.
If the pain … Read more
Insomnia is often caused or exacerbated by an unhealthy sleep routine. Improve that routine, and you may sleep better.
Most of us go to bed out of habit, but if you are not tired, it may not be the best time to go to sleep.
Most of us go to bed out of habit, but if you are not tired, it may not be the best time to go to sleep.
Top tips to building a better sleep routine
- Only use the … Read more
To begin with the more elementary things, make sure that your bedroom is properly ventilated and that your mattress is neither too soft nor too hard for you.
Noise Disturbance
Noises could be keeping you awake, or they could awaken you after you have gone to sleep. If so, earplugs might help you. Letting your electric fan … Read more
My daughter grew one successfully in a pot. It seemed to cope well with neglect, luckily for her, as she frequently forgot to water it, and then over-watered it like mad to try to compensate.
The biggest mistake she made was not to turn it regularly (once she potted it up into a larger pot … Read more
Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds and be at least 17 years old, or 16 years old with written parental/guardian consent.
Common Reasons that Prevent You Being Allowed To Donate Blood are:
1. Low Hemoglobin / Hematocrit.
2. Cold, flu or other illness symptoms.
3. Travel to most countries will not prevent you from … Read more
Valentine is the name of several saints who are commemorated on February 14th every year.
In the last 150 years, the custom has grown of sending cards or messages to one that you love. The cards are called valentines, and the loved one is also the valentine.
This custom began in the USA, and the … Read more
Originally, Saint Valentine's Day was a celebration of the lives and legacies of several early Christian saints named Valentine (or Valentinus, as it was known in Latin). It wasn't until the 14th century that the martyrs' day became associated with love and romance.
How Did Valentine's Day Get Its Romantic Connotations?
The first known case … Read more
It is the name of this wonderful website! =)

Twitter took their time in coming up with a mission statement, describing it only as "a work in progress" for quite a while. However, the result proved to be worth the wait, as the company now describe its raison d'etre as being: "To instantly connect people everywhere to what's most important to them."
Skype's mission … Read more
Both my son and I have each had several episodes of Stevens Johnsons Syndrome, some of which were very serious, so that would seem to suggest that it is hereditary, or - at least - that there is a genetic predisposition to developing the condition. Almost all our reactions were to prescription medicines, though, rather … Read more
Previous answers have covered the major symptoms of PTSD, but it is worth knowing that a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder cannot be made until three months after a traumatic event, and a key characteristic is the presence of flashbacks.
This is because it is normal for most people to react with distress to a … Read more
In the last two decades, various Acts have been passed to ensure that, in Wales, Welsh and English are both official languages, and must be treated equally. These were the The Welsh Language Act 1993, The Government of Wales Act 1998, and The National Assembly for Wales (Official Languages) Act 2012.
The view expressed in … Read more
You don't say which Parliament you are referring to, but in the UK, Members of Parliament are paid a salary (along with expenses, and generous pension contributions from the Exchequer).
MPs' salaries have been frozen since 2010, though there is due to be a public consultation on whether to give them a 1% increase some … Read more
Louise has given great advice. I'd update it a little (2013) to say that more and more literary agents are now accepting submissions via email, but if you're not sure, then check with them first, via their agency website.
To add to Louise's comments, if you do receive a rejection, do be gracious about it. … Read more
To add to the very good advice given above, it's also worth making sure that the agent you're considering submitting to actually has an interest in the type of writing you do, before making any kind of contact.
Checking agency websites and looking at what each agent lists as their personal fields of interest is … Read more
The websites/apps I use most often are:
- Blurtit - obviously!
- Facebook - to share photos and news, mainly with family and friends, especially those overseas.
- Twitter - to keep up with news and to discuss stuff I'm specifically interested in with a wide variety of people, who are often experts in their fields.
- Blogger … Read more
My self-created Christmas tradition is to refuse to go anywhere at all on Christmas Day, though this has less to do with tradition than with being the child of parents with an unhealthy penchant for divorce.
When you've spent your childhood Christmases being transported from one parental home to the other, always aware that one … Read more