Mehak Rai
Mehak Rai answered
There are so many kinds of cleanliness: 1/ I am a muslim so the first one is your heart cleanliness.Heart cleanliness means if we think all muslims are our islamic brother and friend then there is no critisism in our society and each person prove a sincere friend and brother. 2/ Your body cleanliness: In … Read more
Mehak Rai
Mehak Rai answered
God has made this world n as we all don't want to know that thia earth given us a lot...       As God produce vegetables and fruits and they have a great importance for us.vegetables are very necessary for a man in his life to keep healthy.vegetables whether it may be any quantity … Read more
Mehak Rai
Mehak Rai answered
When people live together n shares their emotions and when they knows each other completely and in the absence of anyone among themselves then they known as a family. family is like a hand and in a hand an alone finger having no importance without his all fingers but when a finger is related to … Read more