I am an electrician in Nevada ...Usually on most ballasts there is 2 red, 2 blue, 2yellow, and 1 white and 1 Black.
First turn off the switch to the light or hit the breaker, once all the power is off you want to cut all the wires.Do not try to pull them out of the lamp holder,just cut them but leave plenty of wire (don't cut them at the base of the holder,cut them as close to the ballast as you can, that way you have plenty of slack to wire in the new ballast,once the ballast is free then just wire nut it all back together color to color, then wire the black and white to the power source white to white and black to black ,red or blue turn on the power and witness the magic that is fluorescent.
First turn off the switch to the light or hit the breaker, once all the power is off you want to cut all the wires.Do not try to pull them out of the lamp holder,just cut them but leave plenty of wire (don't cut them at the base of the holder,cut them as close to the ballast as you can, that way you have plenty of slack to wire in the new ballast,once the ballast is free then just wire nut it all back together color to color, then wire the black and white to the power source white to white and black to black ,red or blue turn on the power and witness the magic that is fluorescent.