It has large (orange size) green, bumpy fruit on it. It's real name is a bois d'arc.
The bois d'arc tree is indigenous to Texas, South-east Oklahoma and South west Arkansas. Man has spread the bois d'arc across the U.S. And the globe. The bois d'arc (also known as Osage orange, bodark, horse apple, hedge ball, Osage apple, mock orange, yellow wood, palo de arco, and by its Indian name ayac and by its scientific name Maclura pomifera) is the sole surviving member of the genus Maclura-of its relatives from past geologic life, only fossils remain. The bois d'arc tree (a member of the mulberry family and related to the fig) grows to a maximum height of 50 to 60 feet, has a trunk seldom more than 1 to 2 feet in diameter, and prefers creek and river bottoms. The bark of the tree is fibrous, vertically ridged, grayish on the outside and rather orange under the surface. The roots are covered with a brilliant orange, papery bark which makes them look like they have been painted a brilliant orange color. A ball of yellowish green flowers appears in the spring in both the male and female trees...and now you know!
Its called a Bois De Arc. Pronounced: Bow dark. The "fruit" are extreamly non- edible, when they fall, a white milky substance comes out. Wildlife love the horse apples though. The Bois De Arc is a fairly worthless tree other than for fence posts. When the wood dries, it will last for generations, even buried as is fence posts. Bois De Arc is a VERY hard wood when dried. Even a chain saw has a difficult time cutting it. When you cut a Bois De Arc, the next spring the stump will sprout and twice as many trunks will grow from one trunk. You have to poison the stump to keep it from returning.
I also came from Arkansas and the first name I ever heard for this odd but beautiful fruit
was Bor-dock Apples. I am not sure of the spelling and cannot find any information on that
word. My father said they used them to waterproof shoes. I pick a few from a tree each
year and the juice that comes from the stem is very sticky and white - sort of like Elmer's
glue. Ella Golden
was Bor-dock Apples. I am not sure of the spelling and cannot find any information on that
word. My father said they used them to waterproof shoes. I pick a few from a tree each
year and the juice that comes from the stem is very sticky and white - sort of like Elmer's
glue. Ella Golden
The tree is named "Osage Orange" it is a member of the mulberry family!
The tree will have big green balls on it .that look like apples ..but I wouldn't eat them .
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