
Why Do I Have Water On The Inside Of My Windows?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When you get water on the inside of your window it is condensation, I assume you have double glazed windows ? Well on the inside of the unit is an aluminium bar called a spacer bar this is filled with thousands of tiny particles called desicant, desicant is an absorber of moisture. But will only absorb so much , usually double glazed units last for about 10 to 15 years , If you have moisture on your windows then I asume the desicant has seen better days
Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Usually when you get water inside your windows it means that the seal
on your windows has broken. Multi paned windows are sealed with a dense
insulating gas to improve energy efficiency and when the seal is
broken, this gas escapes, removing the insulating properties. This then
allows the warm moist air to condensate on a cooler surface.

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered

You may have your inside warmer and more humid than the outside if you have single pane windows so you may need a Dehumidifier here to help

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