If you have some land you should never buy vegetables because you can grow them fresh in your own yard. Around here you can buy them right from the farmers at the market that way you don't have to think about freshness.
At least once a week, depending on how many people are eating them. We go through lettuce, tomatoes, celery, carrots, potatoes, and onions I feed three people on a daily basis, and four additional people on weekends.
I also get squash, sweet peppers, and a variety of other vegetables on a monthly basis.
I also get squash, sweet peppers, and a variety of other vegetables on a monthly basis.
Veggies Are Full Of Antioxidants. You Need Lots Of Veggies.. At Least Every Day Eat Veggies. Buy Them Once A Week And Buy A Good Variety. Carrots Beans Peas Beets Potatoes Tomatoes. Cukes Radishes.Onions. Dark Green Leafy Veggies Very Good For You. Veggies Very Perishable, So Use Them Up Before They Get To " What In God's Name Is That"?
Hi Keith! How often should you buy veggies??? Well, that depends on the veggie. I keep certain vegetables onhand at all time. (onions, shallots, garlic, certain herbs, carrots, celery) but i also go to the farmstand at least every 3 days. Buy what excites you and inspires you, then veggies won't be so mundane. Take care
Every second day!
You should buy some everyday as they are healthy for you
Everyday as part of a healthy diet
When the ones in your ref are rotten?
It doesn't matter, and never has mattered.
What's important, is how often they are eaten.
What's important, is how often they are eaten.
Hey, Keith.
Pretty much every time you go shopping. 1. There good for you 2. There yum (well not all of them!)
Pretty much every time you go shopping. 1. There good for you 2. There yum (well not all of them!)
It doesn't matter if you grow them or buy them, you should have vegetables in your daily diet!
I make a menu for all of our supper meals a week at a time. After I have made the menu, I go to the store & the farmers market and buy all the ingredients I will need for those meals. It beats wasting time at the store or market every 2 or 3 days. Also, it relieves me of the burden of having to decide what to cook each night and then wondering if I have all the ingredients. It just seems to make life easier for me.