What do you keep in that high cupboard above your fridge ? I was just looking at mine and couldn't Remember what's in there .... I may Grab a chair later to stand on and see if I have anything up there ... I don't feel like doing that now though.


16 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

What a fun and unusual question! I love it how ever now I am gonna be haunted and tortured...... Wondering....... First of all Sis YOU know I am only 4'11 So I can't just magically fly up there to look..... Plus there is so much junk in front of it even if I did sprout wings I am too lazy uhhhhh I mean tired to move it! Lololol!

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Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Lol yin :) I have the same issues :p I'm way to short to just casually look and the top of my fridge is cluttered too :p think of it as a treasure hunt then ;)
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
I use to keep all my cereals up there...... then I realized the kids could feed themselves if the boxes where lower! LOLOLOLOLOL! I am such a good mom! ((((( TOOT TOOT )))))) See now you got me tootin my own horn! You bring out the confidence in me..... next I will try a hamburger helper meal to cook! LOL!
Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I have 2 cookbooks, broiler pan (never used), a crystal ashtray, a flower vase and two cake pans. I actually had to look in order to answer this question. Jaimie, stop making me work for answers.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Broken sets of old glasses and crockery which I really should throw out.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

It is empty, and I didn't have to go look. (Because I looked a couple of weeks ago.)

9 People thanked the writer.
Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Ahhhhh .... Did you get rid of anything a few weeks ago ?
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
No. I have a large kitchen with lots of cabinet space, so I didn't need to use it. Plus we moved twice in the last 2.5 years, so I got rid of stuff i didn't need or use so I didn't need to pack it.
Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Okay .... I'll put you down for having dismembered Barbie doll body parts in that cupboard then ;)
Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Thats where i keep the big stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else ..Turkey roaster, large and small serving trays, thermos bottles, some odds and ends.

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Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
I don't think I have any stuff like that .... I don't cook much and I've never owned a thermos . Thanks for answering :)
Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Hi Jaimie,

This is actually a VERY serious question for my house, because as I really get settled in here (omg it's a whole six months now) I have been considering what to put in that cupboard.

It has to be something light, and something I don't use very much because it almost takes an act of Congress to go through what it takes to get anything down from there...

* * *

Would you like me to keep your tiara there for you?

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Nothing, never have put anything in them, I'm tall at 5'8" and still there too high up for regular daily use or storage. Same with the two over the microwave.  The 5 under the counters are empty as well .

6 People thanked the writer.
Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
thats what is exciting about that cuboard though !!! You can put stuff in and forget then wonder wth is up there !! I've decided I'm not gonna check mine cos I like the unknown ... I'll probably check it tonight though cos I never listen to me :/
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Ray  Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

I keep the red wine up there. Down to around 9 bottles left - approaching crisis.

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Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
I keep my red wine in the basement on a wine shelf ... Yeah only nine bottles is a crisis ! Now I'm tempted to pull up a chair and see if I have secret old wine .... I know I don't... but I can dream ;) THIS IS SO EXCITING NOW !!! :)
Ray  Dart
Ray Dart commented
The great 2016 wine conundrum. Made the papers in 2021!
Nina Nina Profile
Nina Nina answered

I had to go look :) it actually wouldn't open at first, I had to use a little extra force to pop the door open. There is a surprisingly small amount of stuff: The cabinet lining, some screws, and the instruction manual for our fridge.

KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

Various sized candles, candle holders, matches, battery powered camping lanterns.  All for that rare time when all the power goes off for a week after one of our freak snow storms.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I had to go look also but all that's up there is an old hand crank meat grinder and a bunch of knives I don't use anymore because they won't keep a sharp edge. Guess I'll get around to chucking them here. Maybe tomorrow.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Our cat, Almond Coconut. We hadn't figured out what to put up there yet when we moved so Almond decided he was going to use it as a bed or a hiding place when we have guests. We let him keep it, lol.

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