
What Does Heart Rot In A Live Oak Look Like?


1 Answers

Rachel Sharp Profile
Rachel Sharp answered
Heart rot, or sap rot, is a common term for a fungal disease. There are a number of different kinds of fungal diseases with different symptoms. One of the most common fungal diseases to affect oak trees, (especially widespread in California) is Armillaria mellea, or oak root fungus. It is also known as white rot. Just as it sounds, it causes a white substance to appear between the bark and the wood of the roots. To see it, you may have to remove a bit of bark from the roots. Another symptom is mushrooms forming at the base of the trees in the winter and when it is damp.

Very wet conditions can speed the spread of the fungus. Sometimes tree owners turn over or remove soil at the base of the tree to allow it to dry out well. This can sometimes slow or stop the growth of the fungus.

If you think that this type of fungus is not the problem it may be another type of fungus - unfortunately for tree owners, there are many!

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