How Do I Convert A Pantone Color To A Hex Number?


2 Answers

Danielle Joynson Profile
In order to convert pantone to hex you must carry out a number of relevant steps.

  • How to convert pantone to hex: Step 1
The first thing you need to do is locate Pantone on your computer or laptop. Once you have located the program you should select the red-green-blue (RGB) colour. Now, you have to locate what each of the colours are valued which should be displayed on the screen, and then record them separately representing the colours as R, G and B.

  • Step 2
Now you should have each numerical value of the individual colours. If you start with the Red colour then you should note down if it is a full number or a number with a decimal place and remainder. If you have a decimal number then you should divide the first half of the number by 16 because it is a base of 16. Write down that number. If you have a remainder then you must multiply that number by 16. Then you should combine the numbers together so, for example if your division came to 8 and your multiplication came to 7 then the number should read #87. If you have a whole number than all you have to do is divide the number by 16 and then add a zero at the end of the final number.

  • Step 3
Once you have calculated Red, you should continue to find the correct values for Green and Blue. In order to do this you should carry out the same process you have done for the previous calculations. After that you should have three separate numbers down. Now, you should combine the numbers together (do not add them) and you will have the pantone in a hex format.

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