What Color Furniture Goes With Orange Walls?


6 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Having orange walls is bold by anyone's standard.

When picking the color of your furniture, the main thing to keep in mind is that you need to complement - not contrast.

Furniture that goes well with orange walls The most obvious recommendation would be to go for neutral colors like cream or beige. Having a range of lighter colors will keep the room looking interesting, but won't compete with the orange.

You may be able to get away with darker accent colors like navy, purple, brown or black - but you'll need to pay particular attention to the style of furniture you're going for. For example the combination of wood with orange can look dated and reminds me of a Terry's Chocolate Orange.

You should also avoid green because it's a fairly strong color, and will give your room too much of a 'carroty' vibe.

Whatever color furniture you end up buying, please remember to give your room an extra-zesty feel with a strategically-placed bowl of oranges!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would go with dark browns, and creamy beige.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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