Is There A Least Expensive Way To Make A Ring Smaller? Maybe A Home Solution? Jewelry Repairs Are So Expensive.


4 Answers

Jim Witness Protection Profile
Depends on how wide the ring is, but you can try this. Get a FABRIC bandaid (not a plastic one). Take one section of cover off adhesive and press it on inside of bottom of band. Take a very sharp, small pair of scissors and cut away excess on both sides,leaving piece of bandaid on inside of bottom of band. Press down on it to adhere as best as possible. It should stick for a few weeks, even if you wash hands with ring on. If the size reduction is too big for this, a jeweler can put a ring reduction bar inside of ring, which isn't too expensive. It basically just clamps on.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I took my ring into Roger's Jewelers and they made it smaller for me free of charge. Try going to a Fine Jeweler Retail Store and asking. They typically do that sort of thing free of charge.
drew Profile
drew answered
Hey I always use a piece of yarn. Wrap it around as much as you need and tuck it in! Be careful watching your hands though!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Buy some self stick industrial velcro in a hardware store, cut a very thin strip and stick to the inside of the bottom of ring band...use the fuzzy side.

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