You must know that bypassing a water meter means stealing or filching water so you get a free supply. You are hurting the utility and the other consumers in the long run. Anyhow, there are 4 ways of by passing the water meter. The most commonly used method is simply by turning the meter back on if the utility has turned it off for non payment or some other reason.
Another way is to plumb a pipe in the meter box to obtain water when the meter itself has been removed by the utility. The third way is for a construction crew or farmer, by using an un-metered fire hydrant to obtain water with the knowledge or approval from the utility.
Fourthly, if a business has an un-metered supply to the fire sprinkler within their site, you can plumb water lines off the sprinkler supply and connect it to a tap or something.
Another way is to plumb a pipe in the meter box to obtain water when the meter itself has been removed by the utility. The third way is for a construction crew or farmer, by using an un-metered fire hydrant to obtain water with the knowledge or approval from the utility.
Fourthly, if a business has an un-metered supply to the fire sprinkler within their site, you can plumb water lines off the sprinkler supply and connect it to a tap or something.