
What Is Distemper In Paint?


7 Answers

Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
Distemper is actually a kind of paint -- All paints are comprised of powdered pigments, dissolved in either water or oil base, and some kind of binding agent. In a distemper paint, the binding agent is glue -- typically from a mammal skin. Traditionally, in distemper, the animal-hide would be from rabbit.

Sometimes paint tins list "distemper" among their ingredients. This basically means some kind of glue was used as a binding agent.

Most often when a paint expert refers to distemper paint they mean one bound with animal glues (not anything else). But when distemper appears on the ingredients list on the side of a paint tin, it's just as likely that the binding agent is a vegetable-based glue, or even a glue derived from eggs or milk (casein paints). Modern latex paints, which typically use modified cellulose fibres as the binding agents, are based on the basic combination principles found in distemper paints.

Traditional distemper paints are said to have a very nice finish, but they are messy (drippy) and must be applied when still warm -- limiting in practice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its rabbit skin glue as a binder , chalk for body and pigment for colour. It was used by many early painters in italy and belgium and in victorian houses for wall paint
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
Distemper is a disease caused by the virus of the same name that mainly afflicts dogs affecting different parts of the body such as digestive system, the nervous system, or the respiratory system. They symptoms are quite different depending on the body part affected by the virus. In case the virus is resident in the digestive system (intestinal tract), the animal may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and show apathy towards food.

In case of respiratory tract infections, a greenish discharge with coughing and sneezing could be observed while in the case of the nervous system, seizures are a distinct symptom. When any of these symptoms are seen, immediate medical attention should be given to the dog and the disease should be treated for which a variety of antibiotics and intravenous drugs are available now a day. If care is taken immediately, the dog can recover almost completely however, if neglected, it may not recover fully.

As prevention is much better than cure, one should administer the proper vaccine regularly as a safeguard against distemper. A series of shots should be given to puppies, when they are 5 weeks old with annual revaccination thereafter. Distemper is a disease that occurs all over the world and in most cases the virus is transmitted from stray dogs, skunks, ferrets or raccoons.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are the 7in1 shot sold @ feed stores sufficient to give to puppies as their first set of shots?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Distemper is the binding agent in the paint(eg-glue,animal fat) that helps paint to stick to the walls completely and not easily washed off by rains,winds ect.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I own a pre-war cottage and every time it is painted the paint just blows off again. Cement based paints even blow off. The original finish is white and rock hard. What do you recommend.

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