Soak it with hand sanitizer and nail remover and wait an 1hr
Please call a IICRC certified tech. Who has been trained, will use products that will remove the stain and not harm the carpet, children or pets.
Have you tried Nail Polish remove with the acetone still in it?? If not soak try soaking it over night in some bleach. Hope this helps
Well in most cases the removal of Nail polish from bed sheets won't be possible at home. This is because nail polish is actually a very strong glue. The chemicals available to break down the strong nail polish glue cannot be used on bed sheets as they destroy all fabrics.
The first instinct that most of us would have in that situation is to go for the nail polish remover. This might work though if you try it use one that is acetone free. Acetone will break down the fabric. A product called Awesome is being hailed as a wonderful stain remover guaranteed to work. Check your local store.
Soak it in Nail polish remover for a while and then rub it. It will clear off. You can also use acetone which is stronger than nail polish
I just spilled nail polish on my bed covers what do I do!! HELP my sister is going to kill me!:[
Well I spilt a DARK PURPLE nail vanish on my bed me and my friend soaked it in hot water, we tried ACETONE nail polish remover NOTHING WORKS I was terrified I told my mum and she went bananas the stain is STILL THERE but oh well .... =(
No idea sista! But you could hang it on your door for Halloween and pretend the red nail polish is blood!
Its my moms birthday and she told me not to paint my nails in bed. But I did anyways. I spilt it all over my white and all different colored striped sheets, how do I get it out!?!?!?