
Should Recycling Be Made A Law?


6 Answers

marina lewis Profile
marina lewis answered
Well I think it should be, but I don't believe in being charged for how much litter you have in your bins.
We need to try and recycle as much as possible for the benefit of our planet and our children, and I also believe something should be done about pollution and the ozone. Man is destroying it and one day it will be too late to put it right!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I agree I also think it should be made law. Our family recycle every thing we can. We also put our foodwaste in the composting bin. These are cheap to buy from the council and easy to use.

This is in stark contrast to my fiance's family who throw everything out and never turn any electrical appliances off. Every time I go round there I run around the house switching all the tvs and lights off! (at least I'm trying).

Quite how you'd police such a law is another thing though??
Martin Scott Profile
Martin Scott , Recycling Consultant, answered

I agree that it's unfair and impractical to charge citizens for the waste they produce. I do, however, think that producers should be charged for the wasteful packaging they use and therefore force consumers into.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because we are not  thinking about the earth when we throw away something that can
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It should be a law because we have to care of our planet. This planet was made for us and it would be horrible waste it.

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