The gas valve requires a thermal link from the pilot light in order to stay lit. A device known as a "Thermo-Coupler" provides this link. When this device no longer provides a link the pilot light will not stay lit when you release the button and turn the valve to the on position. The thermo-coupler is very easy to replace and they are generally available at most hardware or home improvement stores. Good luck with your repair. If you are not comfortable making the repair yourself call a plumber. The cost to replace the thermo-coupler by a plumber is generally less than a $100.00.
Could be it needs a cleaning. When the main burner flame goes out, does it poof or make a small explosion sound? The pilot light should be strong, blue with little yellow tipping if LP. If the pilot flame is weak and candles ( more yellow/orange) then the pilot assembly needs to be cleaned cause its not creating enough heat to keep the pilot lit and the when the main burner goes out, the conclusion from the poof causes the pilot flame to come off the thermocouple and the pilot safety shuts down the gas valve (which is what its suppose to do). Have it cleaned and replace the t-couple. Should be fine after that.
If the pilot light won't stay lit, it's a very good and most likely chance that the thermocouple is bad. This is a fairly easy and inexpensive repair
At the bottom of the water heater where you light it, make sure the entire bottom end is protected from a draft. I had same problem, the wind blew out the pilot. If that doesn't fix problem, have it looked at. Maybe interruption in gas service, or the contraption that lets gas go to pilot.
All 40 and 50 gal. Gas water heaters manufactured after 2003 have a sealed burner chamber. They are FVIR models. These tanks have a flame arrestor that must be kept clean. If you are having pilot issues clean that first before any repair. Most water heaters have a six year warranty. Call a professional if the cleaning does not work
Exactly where is this item located on the water heater?
There is a part called a Thermal Couple, that shuts off the gas when the pilot light goes out. It probably needs replacing.
The problem can be with the tube that runs from top tank inlet to the bottom of heater inside. You have to replace it with a new one which can be bought at a cheap rate from the market. You can also call the gas company to check it out.
Please people with the "you should get it checked out" answers. Those who post here realize that most of the stuff that a GED equipped monkey does for 50 bucks an hour can be done by a homeowner armed with the right information. Many of us are engineers, doctors, and other technical types who have enough knowledge base, just need specifics for a given job to do it right.
The thermostat switches it off
You may have to replace it or some of its components may have gone out and need to be replaced. Get it checked out so nothing bad happens. Keep safe.
Have you been working around it, dust,lint etc. Can clog the air intake filter. If this is the case then you need to find the air filters and clean them with compressed air or a vacuum cleaner. The air filters can be just below the sealed chamber.
Buy a new thermostat for a couple of bucks and this should fix you problem. Be careful when you install the thermostat, you'll be around gas!!
The pilot may stay on 2 or 3 hours ,and at random go off.when I light it back it may last 5 hours and go off again,no set time at hoe long it stays on. Thanks
I keep lighting my pilot and replaced the thermocouple and when I get finish putting it together it goes out
You may have to replace the thermocouple which is located right at the pilot's flame, in fact it must when working be heated by the pilot flame to keep an electrical control circuit ,which turns the main gas valve open to heat the water.
A local Plumbing and Heating Supply store will sell a new unit.
A local Plumbing and Heating Supply store will sell a new unit.
I would get it checked out. Maybe there is something wrong with it. I would not suggest to keep lighting it, if it won't stay lit by itself. You may have to replace it or some of its components may have gone out and need to be replaced. Get it checked out so nothing bad happens. Keep safe. Good luck.
Same problem after changed out thermocouple; then changed to new tank; convinced prob. Had to be 'venting'; held a lit candle to the draft-hood on top of tank & draw was good when burner came on and when furnace came on. For lack of venue, turned on the newly installed range hood fan in kitchen and the flame went 'poof '. Opened the window slightly and flame stayed on with no flicker....
Think house was air-tight enough to cause draw from new (strong) range Fan to draw from same tank problem since
Think house was air-tight enough to cause draw from new (strong) range Fan to draw from same tank problem since
My hot water heater goes out constantly.
You may have a regulator problem, or dust. This is a danger, gas can build up & a spark can blow the whole house up, get help now. Call someone with quality knowledge or the gas or utility dept now, do not wait.
Yes,if it is a gas water heater. If the pilot is out, then you will not have hot water AND there could be a gas leak.
I had the same problem I had a leak in the tank does it sound like water splashing on a hot pan if so I bet you the tank has a pin hole