Put the coat on a hanger and then put a large plastic bag (like the kind you get from dry cleaning places) over it.
Tie the top of the bag tight round the hanger so no air can escape. Fill a sock or a fabric bag with baking soda and tie the top of the sock/bag.
Put this at the bottom of the plastic bag and then tie a knot at the bottom of the large bag - again, so no air can come in. Leave it for a few days hanging up.
The baking soda will absorb the musty smell and take away the odour in the coat.
An old remedy my granny used to use. It works!
Tie the top of the bag tight round the hanger so no air can escape. Fill a sock or a fabric bag with baking soda and tie the top of the sock/bag.
Put this at the bottom of the plastic bag and then tie a knot at the bottom of the large bag - again, so no air can come in. Leave it for a few days hanging up.
The baking soda will absorb the musty smell and take away the odour in the coat.
An old remedy my granny used to use. It works!