
How Do You Make Cornice Boards?


1 Answers

Nisha Fernandes Profile
Nisha Fernandes answered
You will need the following materials: Cornice-board kit (ready made) it contains you pins, high-density Styrofoam, glue, L brackets and finishing nails, a utility knife, a spray adhesive, a decorative braid, L brackets (if not included in kit) and some wallpaper border. With the help of the utility knife cut the cornice pieces to suit the width of the wallpaper border.  You should cut the foam close to the edges of the wallpaper so that no white foam shows.

Next you should apply some glue to the ends of the pieces and set them in place at 90-degree angles. Now hold the glued boards closely together for a couple of seconds for the glue to set up.
Next you should mark the centre of the cornice board as well as the centre of the wallpaper border.  Now apply the spray adhesive to both the front and sides of the cornice board. Carefully centre the wallpaper on the board, making sure to line up the middles, and carefully smooth the wallpaper into place. Now you should cover the lower edge of the board with the decorative braid. Last you can pin the braid to the foam board with some you-shaped pins.

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