
How Can I Adjust The Ball Cock On An Ideal Standard Toilet?


1 Answers

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Anonymous answered
In today's world, an ideal toilet uses as little water as possible to maintain a good flushing mechanism. A simple way to reduce the water use is to place fist sized rocks in the bottom of your tank. This displaces some of the water that is needed to refill the tank after each flush.

Adjustment of the float ball may be needed if the toilet does not flush completely, In this case you simple bend up the float arm slightly. Be sure you do this adjustment with a full tank so you can check that the water level remains about an inch below the top of the overflow pipe..

If the ballcock itself isn't closing properly, causing the toilet to "leak" or continue to run with water filling up the tank, it may need to be replaced. Before doing this, turn of the water line to the tank and flush the toilet to empty the bowl. You will need to remove screws and then the diaphragm. Take the piece with you for replacement to assure getting the correct fit.

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