Yes, it does. I was very annoyed when my mother came down with her dog, and gave my indoor cat fleas, especially as my daughter has an allergic reaction to the flea bites. So, I decided to do a home remedy my friend had suggested- sprinkling salt all over the area. I didnt want to use the chemical spray, as if you breathe it in, it can cause breathing complications. But in a week, I vacuumed and I noticed most of the fleas had gone, and we used frontline to cure my dog of any remaining fleas. So, I would reccomend Sprinkling your house with salt, I would vaccum overnight after sprinkling the salt to get any dead eggs/fleas. If you have pets, used flea shampoo/spot on treatment, like frontline.And DO NOT use chemical sprays. Good luck! :)
yours faithfully,
yours faithfully,