I hope you don't want to re-use the tile. Removing old plastic tile without destroying some or most of them would be impossible. A heat gun would help but if you are not saving and re-using them it would not be worth the time and bother. A flat bar such as a wonder bar would pry them off without doing much damage to the substrate. Of course, there is going to be some repair as the mastic must be removed and gouges repaired if you are painting or papering the wall. Sanding the leftover mastic would generate lots of dust and may be toxic to breathe. I would suggest using the heat gun to remove any globs that extended out from the wall, in other words big globs. If installing new tile then just lay on the mastic as per the instructions and install tile. If you are painting or papering then you would skim coat the entire surface with sheetrock mud with as many coats as it took to make a nice smooth surface. After sanding smooth you are ready to paint or paper. Good luck with your project.
Take a heat gun or a hair dryer. Don't get them too hot and do one at a time. Should come rite up.
Some of the tiles have come loose on their own, so I think I'm going to tackle it. I know what you mean by all the tiles in a house, I'm a realtor, and you wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen! Green one, burgundy, gray, black, solid pink! At least mine have some white in them, so a bit of a marble looks.
I would go to Home Depot or Lowes and ask them. They have always been really helpful whenever I have asked them questions like that. I know if it were me, I would just start prying it off. And I would probably ruin whatever was under it and cost myself more money than I needed to. So don't do that.
Pink plastic tile? I just looked at a house and it had pink and lavendar tile in the bathrooms and the kitchen had purple counters and a mauve backsplash. And all the carpet was pink or purple. Oh, and big pink fake flowers everywhere. I did not make a bid on that house. I couldn't even begin to think about tearing out all that tile...
Pink plastic tile? I just looked at a house and it had pink and lavendar tile in the bathrooms and the kitchen had purple counters and a mauve backsplash. And all the carpet was pink or purple. Oh, and big pink fake flowers everywhere. I did not make a bid on that house. I couldn't even begin to think about tearing out all that tile...
I would have taken help from a carpenter.
You used scrapper and slowly squeeze it out
Just sent the better part of two weekends removing the ugly pink/salmon plastic tiles with burgundy trim. I just popped them off and scrapped the adhesive off with a scrapper. Overall my walls don't look bad.