Many ceramic hobs come with scrapers and an advice leaflet which will include instructions on how to clean the hob.
Many people have their own method for cleaning ceramic hobs and each one will claim that their product or technique is the best. Some of the most popular products or techniques include using vinegar, Stardrops sugar soap and Hob-Brite.
One of the most important things to remember is to make sure that the hobs have cooled down sufficiently before you begin to clean them. Ceramic hobs can stay hot for quite a long time after you have stopped using them.
Ceramic hobs are very tricky. They require daily maintenance; otherwise you can end up damaging the delicate surface of the hob.
In case of an emergency you can pour a mix of hot water and vinegar on the hob. Leave it to stand for some hours and then clean. The hot water will help you to soften the dirt and the vinegar will help you to remove the grease.
Stardrops is an all round cleaner and can be used on almost any surface. It is a yellow translucent liquid which usually costs roughly £1 per bottle and can be bought from many supermarkets or hardware stores. When using Stardrops to clean your hobs it is best to dilute the liquid in water at a ratio of around one part Stardrops to 20 parts water. This will help prevent any damage to your surface.
Hob-Brite is a purpose made non scratch cream hob cleaner. It costs around £2 a bottle and can be bought from most home ware stores.
Many people have their own method for cleaning ceramic hobs and each one will claim that their product or technique is the best. Some of the most popular products or techniques include using vinegar, Stardrops sugar soap and Hob-Brite.
One of the most important things to remember is to make sure that the hobs have cooled down sufficiently before you begin to clean them. Ceramic hobs can stay hot for quite a long time after you have stopped using them.
Ceramic hobs are very tricky. They require daily maintenance; otherwise you can end up damaging the delicate surface of the hob.
In case of an emergency you can pour a mix of hot water and vinegar on the hob. Leave it to stand for some hours and then clean. The hot water will help you to soften the dirt and the vinegar will help you to remove the grease.
Stardrops is an all round cleaner and can be used on almost any surface. It is a yellow translucent liquid which usually costs roughly £1 per bottle and can be bought from many supermarkets or hardware stores. When using Stardrops to clean your hobs it is best to dilute the liquid in water at a ratio of around one part Stardrops to 20 parts water. This will help prevent any damage to your surface.
Hob-Brite is a purpose made non scratch cream hob cleaner. It costs around £2 a bottle and can be bought from most home ware stores.