Cleaning with good products is #1, there are products on the market that specifically state they take care of pet odors. I have not tried any of them personally. However even after thorough cleaning the cat(s) can smell the residual of the urine and cleaning product and may choose to "remark" the location. A good way to stop this from happening is to use some ammonia on the spot prior to cleaning, as this will interfere with a cat being able to place the scent as being their own or another cats. Good luck!
Cat urine on the mattress...use Nature's Miracle, just pour the liquid right on it (a lot) then place plastic sheeting/or large garage bag on top the wetness so you can use the mattress. Be sure and put a plastic sheet under too. This will work, I've done it. Once it's dry(many moons) or if you need to start all over by buying a new mattress, just buy an inexpensive mattress cover that completely encases it with a zipper. Done Deal-cat can pee away and you simply wipe up and disinfect with no damage to bed. Cat shouldn't make this a habit.
I had the same problem. I tried everything to get rid of the cat urine odor, but it would soon return, sometimes in the middle of the night. I eventually bought a new mattress, I suggest your friend do the same. The cat urine odor will never go away completely. Or get rid of the cat!
Our cat did the same and we did all we could, washed the mattress with good products, even used vinegar but nothing helped. I suggest you throw it away if you want to get rid of the smell.
I suggest buying a new mattress. You can clean it all you want but it will always be in your subconscious that a cat peed on the bed. I don't know about you but mentally I couldn't handle that.
water damage restoration
water damage restoration
Well that's very unfortunate. The smell must be horrible. I suggest that you go to the supermarket and buy some good detergents and wash the mattress where she peed on. Use good quality detergents that get rid of bad odours on clothes and other materials as well. There are many such detergents available in the market. Furthermore there's a method where no money would have to be spent and the smell might go away. Try putting the mattress outside in the sun on a warm sunny day after washing it with detergent or without washing it. Both ways might work. Sometimes sunlight can help in taking away bad odour. Hope this answer helps.
Ok well I have a different grandma gave me a nice mattress and its from my great grandpa's senior citizen smells so bad..I hve sheets on it and burned can smell it as soon as you walk in the door of my bedroom..wut can I do to make it go away
Urine b-gone does work, try it.